Rushing Review Course

USMLE Step 1 Board Prep

Rushing Review Course Offerings

Our video and live course offerings cover the same course material conveniently presented in different formats so you can choose the option that works best with your schedule and learning style. Both formats offer the same 2500+ highest yield pathology questions, image files and flashcards broken down into common pathology systems and presented as individual modules. The video and live course formats may be purchased individually or in a bundle.

Click here to view a Rushing Review course sample video.

Video Course Access

Learn at Your Own Pace

Video Access for One Year

Flashcard Access for One Year


Live Online Maymester Session
April 28th - May 2nd, 2025

Live on Zoom

Flashcard Access for One Year


Bundle Package
Live Maymester Session
April 28th - May 2nd, 2025
+ Video Access

Flashcard and Video Access for One Year

Live on Zoom Maymester session


Features of the Rushing Review
Step 1 Board Exam Prep

2500+ highest yield pathology questions reviewed with a U.S. board certified pathologist

40 hours – live, online course (Zoom sessions)

Students are seeing immediate results – improved USMLE practice exams scores and passing Step 1!

Designed for students in dedicated time studying for USMLE Step 1

Intense active recall (not lectures)

Hundreds of short answer questions with discussion of difficult topics

Tests your knowledge of pathology facts and concepts

Special emphasis on high yield items that are frequently tested

Helps identify what you know and what you don’t

Narrow your time and effort down to the highest yield 3000 Step 1 facts about pathology!

Flashcard Access for One Year with Live and Video Course Purchase

This pathology review course is not meant to be a passive process.  It is designed for intense active recall. If you are looking for a complete regurgitation of pathology lecture content, this review is not for you (and I recommend reading the BRS Pathology book cover to cover instead). 

What Students are Saying

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I took Step 1 and got my results - I PASSED!!! A large chunk of the exam, as expected, was pathology. On the exam, there were multiple questions I could hear Dr. Rushing’s explanations in my head as I was considering the answer choices. I can 100% say with certainty that the Rushing Review Course was the SINGLE BEST RESOURCE that led to my success on Step 1! Thank you, for being you and for being such an amazing educator! Having the accountability of the live Zoom sessions made showing up and completing the review course the ONLY review I was able to complete fully. Other “On Demand” reviews would lose my attention quickly. The live Zoom sessions were both engaging and beyond helpful, the accountability of live Q&A made a world of difference to me!
S. H.
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Dr. Rushing is actually THE best. She is my inspiration. She cuts the BS and gives you the high-yields along with ways to remember the information in an engaging fashion. Thanks to her, I passed Level 1, Step 1, and her content is helping me a lot with my Internal Medicine rotation. This course is worth your money and time. Love you, Dr. Rushing. <3
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An absolute must Step 1 review!!! Dr. Rushing seriously does cover the most important topics and high yield info for boards exams, I took both Step 1 and COMLEX- this review was relevant for BOTH. All things path related that you must know, she emphasizes and they do end up showing up. She is fantastic at making a complex subject/concept VERY straightforward. In addition, she will review images you absolutely must know which are in fact also images that showed up in boards. I feel she also reviews a good amount of risk factors and random physio items that are HY too. I honestly don’t think I would have passed without her prep, guidance and study plan suggestion. 20/10 recommend!

Why I Created this Step 1 Board Exam Prep

I wish I could say that I came up with the idea for this website on my own, but it was actually brought about by my students. After being constantly told that I needed to make videos to share my teaching with others, and being told my slides were comprehensive enough to make into a board review book, one of my former students convinced me to give it a try and here we are.   

In doing internet searches for review content, I could not find an example of an intense pathology review course for board preparation, that did not include a massive amount of time and money to attend.  Many students struggle just to pay to take board exams – how are they going to pay thousands of dollars for a 5- or 12-week comprehensive review course?? 

We all know pathology is the largest topic covered on the Step 1 board exam (pathology is 50% of the Step 1 exam), so covering that content well is more than half-way to success on the exam.  

Ideally, I would offer the review in person (which is much more fun for me and keeps you engaged), but as I start this journey, I will offer the course online first, out of convenience. 

Now Available On Video: Rushing Review
Step 1 Board Exam Prep

Prefer to learn at your own pace?

We’re proud to be able to offer our entire review course as a bundle. License all 23 pre-recorded video modules to view at your own convenience!

These videos are intended to replicate the material presented in the live online course which is currently offered only a few times a year as an intense week-long “test your knowledge” pathology review for Step 1 preparation.

Our video course offers the same 2500+ highest yield pathology questions, broken down into common pathology systems and presented as individual prerecorded modules.

The video course offers the same image files and copies of questions that are available to students taking the live online version. The video course may be purchased on its own or may be licensed in a bundle with registration for an upcoming live course. Students may wish to view the videos on their own before or after participating in the live online review session.

What Med Students Will Gain from
Taking this Step 1 Board Exam Prep

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