USMLE Step 1 Board Prep
All Pathology in 1 week
2500+ Questions
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Features of the Rushing Review,
Step 1 Board Exam Prep
- 2500+ high yield questions reviewed with a U.S. board certified pathologist
- 40 hours – live, online course (Zoom sessions)
- Students are seeing immediate results – improved USMLE practice exams scores!
- Designed for students in dedicated time studying for USMLE Step 1
- Intense active recall (not lectures)
- Hundreds of short answer questions with discussion of difficult topics
- Tests your knowledge of pathology facts and concepts
- Special emphasis on high yield items that are frequently tested
- Helps identify what you know and what you don’t
- Narrow your time and effort down to the highest yield 3000 Step 1 facts about pathology!
This pathology review course is not meant to be a passive process. It is designed for intense active recall. If you are looking for a complete regurgitation of pathology lecture content, this review is not for you (and I recommend reading the BRS Pathology book cover to cover instead).
Why I Created this Step 1 Board Exam Prep
I wish I could say that I came up with the idea for this website on my own, but it was actually brought about by my students. After being constantly told that I needed to make videos to share my teaching with others (outside of my own institution) and being told my slides were comprehensive enough to make a board review book, one of my former students convinced me to give it a try and here we are.
In doing internet searches for review content, I could not find an example of an intense pathology review course for board preparation, that did not include a massive amount of time and money to attend. Many students struggle just to pay to take board exams – how are they going to pay thousands of dollars for a 5- or 12-week comprehensive review course??
We all know pathology is the largest topic covered on the Step 1 board exam (pathology is 50% of the Step 1 exam), so covering that content well is more than half-way to success on the exam.
Ideally, I would offer the review in person (which is much more fun for me and keeps you engaged), but as I start this journey, I will offer the course online first, out of convenience.